In an effort to combat google growing to be less and less useful as the days pass and more social media sites purging their archives/people delete their accounts and thus their resources, I'm finally putting together a list of resources and links to things I find useful. If any of these links help even one person, I'll be happy.A quick note, I'll be marking things I haven't used/tested personally before with this:
Resources I used to build this site!
- visual css grid generator - I can't for the life of me visualize grids, this is a lifesaver
- unsplash - used for the photos on my blog (Photo by Jacob Le ) and music pages(Photo by Moritz Mentges ).
- netfriend's helpers - I use the EZ gallery code for the gallery, another lifesaver. I tried several before and this is my favorite.
- Guestbook/comment Script - With 123guestbook gone, I've moved to using this code now.
- Dither Me This - used many places here
generally cool sites/guides/information
- Decolonize Palestine - Educational webzone about Palestine
- cobalt - no fuss download from sites that don't normally let you download things
- Halo Menu - minimal ui video/music player for all the Halo game's menus. The ODST one has rain toggles for extra ambiance control.
- Game UI Database - Massive database of UI elements in gaming (seriously, it's extensive)
- Crazy Monster Design Tumblr - Sentai/toku monster art blog, great to just browse or use for design inspiration
- Public Domain Art Resources - Article on where to find, and how to use public domain art assets.
Browser add-ons for better browsing
- Control Panel for Twitter - Usable Twitter
- Dark Reader - Helps with eyestrain, attempts to dark mode any website, it works most of the time.
- GIF toggle
Webmaster Stuff
webmastery for beginners
- w3schools - this is THE site most of us used to learn HTML/CSS with, and it's still damn good.
- HTML basics
- Make Your Own WebsiteJake Chirak's simple guide on making your own site
- Solaria's Beginner's Accessibility Guide - Like it or not, accessibility is important! Here's a starting place to learn how to make your site easier to use for those with disabilities.
- Site File Organization - If you'd like to plan ahead to not make a mess of your files(unlike myself), worth a look!
- Neocities - This is where I'm hosted! I think just run guy runs the whole thing though, so keep that in mind and make backups of your sites, just in case! (though that goes for anything!)
- Nekoweb - Personal website focused site hosting. If I get the itch to make more sites, I might see about using Nekoweb, to say that I've tried it!
- - Another personal website focused hosting solution.
- Nearly Free Speech
Templates/Premade Layouts
Code: HTML|CSS|Javascript
- Hover.CSS
- html image map creator - "An imagemap is a graphic image where a user can click on different parts of the image and be directed to different destinations"
- rv's free javascript effects - lots of cool scripts
- html beautifier - what it says on the tin, I'm sure all of us have been or are guilty of messy HTML
- using CSS border images
- pure CSS neon sign
- 88x31 gif collection
- unsplash Putting this one here twice :D
- gif cities - internet archive's searchable gif collection from people geocities sites
- Transparent Textures - Transparent textures meant for tiling backgrounds.
- 3D text 2 Gif - wiggly text gif maker
- CSS Warp- visual text path maker
- Dither Me This - get dithered
General Site Things
General Reference
- reference angle - move a 3d head, select emotions, age and other stuff, and get real photos that match your criteria
- Cari Institue - "The Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute is a collective association of researchers and designers dedicated to carrying on the important work of categorizing "consumer aesthetics" from the late mid-century, when work on the subject somewhat trailed off, through today."
- Posemaniacs - pose references with daily poses, models are 3d and aren't nude per-se, just without skin so you can see all their muscles
- Adorka Stock - Free and paid photograph pose references released under a creative commons license
- 3D asaro head - 3D simplified planes of the head reference with controllable light and camera
- Vehicle History - Car interior (and exterior) references!
- Morpho: Fat and SKin Folds - You can draw fat people! Look at this book, it will help you! Please draw fat people.
3D Modeling
- Render96 wiki - Wiki compiling lists of assets used in Nintendo titles, has links to old texture library CDs with previews for them
- Normal Map Online - Generate normal maps from images
- Retro 3D FAQ - retro game graphics information for creating your own low poly models
- Sapling - Feed of indie sellers approved to be real artists and crafters, excluding those using AI or dropshipping their goods.
- Indie Sellers Guild - The Indie Sellers Guild is a grassroots nonprofit organization, by indie sellers, for indie sellers. We fight for a better, fairer internet – where makers, artists, designers and other creative indie sellers can run sustainable online businesses.
- Alchemy Merch - Middleman for getting merch produced. Used them to get pin banners printed, good experince, but they recently started accepting payment with crpyto wallets, so make of that what you will. (Not sure how I feel about it yet to be honest.)
- Vograce - Another site to get merch produced. Positive experiences so far.
- Resin Safety 101 - Read this before jumping into any form of resin work.
- Jaded Island's list of 50+ Black Owned Alternative Fashion Shops
- Buttcape/Stephano's shop lists; Visual Kei Black Owned Goth Brands Black Owned Kawaii Shops